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Oil transmission pipeline project

1.Oil processing

Oil processing is divided into the processing of crude oil and oil products.

Major equipment includes: skid-mounted single well metering device, incoming heating furnace, two-phase separator, associated gas separator, fuel gas separator, primary sedimentation tank, secondary sedimentation tank, compressor, air cooler, three-phase separator, dehydration heating furnace, desulfurization tower, purification tank, and basket filter

2.Crude oil processing

The crude oil processing refers to a process by which the crude oil is treated by oil-gas separation, dehydration, desalination, removal of sand and other mechanical impurities, so as to become qualified merchantable oil.

Major equipment include: oil-gas separator, tubular heater, multifunction crude oil processor, air coolers and the like.

3.Crude oil gathering and transportation

The main tasks of metering station and oil gathering station in the process of gas gathering and transportation include the measurement, gathering and transportation, viscosity reduction and pour-point depressing, purification and other auxiliary tasks.

Metering station: The main equipment includes the separator, valve, flow meter, heater and oil delivery pump

Oil gathering station: metering separator, heating furnaces, crude oil buffer tank, crude oil storage tank, stabilizer, oil transfer pump, flow meter, and sewage tank.

北京三川世紀(jì)能源科技股份公司所有/京ICP備10215013/京公網(wǎng)安備110102004747    網(wǎng)站建設(shè):百川互動

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